
Jo Olley 镇静舒缓耳烛 2支

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  • 中文名称 :Jo Olley 镇静舒缓耳烛 2支
  • 外文名称 :Jo Olley Ear Candles Single Pair
  • 条形码 :9312061489757
  • 品牌 :Jo Olley
So what are ear candles?Ear Candling is an ancient natural therapy that has been used traditionally by the Egyptians, Chinese, Indians & Tibetans for over 3000 years. Typically, ear candles were placed in the outer ear then ignited to produce smoke & warmth that enters the ear canal, bringing spiritual energy & soothing herbal essences into the ear. Their historic roots can be traced back to the Indians of North & South America. Native American cultures have a long history of using ear candling techniques for spiritual & therapeutic benefits. Today, ear candling is popular all over the world. It is used by individuals as a natural home remedy & practitioners as an alternative therapy.Are ear candles dangerous?It is very important to read the instructions carefully before use. It is even more important not to ear candle by yourself. You must always have a partner to help ear candle for you. Adult supervision is required at all times. Always use caution with fire. A protective towel must be used at all times. Ear candles are not a medical device. Please consult your health professional to treat all medical conditions.Do ear candles remove ear wax?Ear Candles are not proven to remove ear wax. Most people use ear candles to promote rest and relaxation. Some people claim that ear candles soften and dry up ear wax and hence promote the natural removal of ear wax.What do ear candles do?Ear candles have a purely spiritual function. Ear candling can help rest, balance and relax the mind and body as well as improve your overall well being. The smoke, warmth & essential oils that pass into the ear canal can have a calming & soothing effect on the user. As well as being a great way to relieve tension naturally, some practitioners report that ear candles produce a light suction action (chimney effect) and the movement of the flame creates a vibration of air in the ear candle, generating a massage-like effect on the eardrum. This has been said to induce a pleasant feeling of warmth & balance of pressure in the ears, forehead & sinuses.I have had ear infections for years – should I be using ear candles?Suffers of ear infections such as ringing ear, middle ear infections or fluid in ear should consult a doctor before using ear candles. AUST L 134566


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